Public Participation
Bucks IU Board of School Directors MeetingsProcedure for Public Comment
The Board welcomes hearing from members of the public. All individuals wishing to provide public comment must attend the meeting in person and shall indicate their desire to address the Board prior to the start of the meeting by providing information on the applicable sign-in sheet. The sign-in sheet will be provided by the Board Secretary and placed in the designated sign-in area of the Board Room. Each person who wishes to address the Board shall provide their name, school district, whether the comment is for the first or second comment period of the agenda, the topic to be addressed, and group affiliation, if applicable.
First Public Comment Period—Limited to Agenda Items Only
Individuals who have requested to speak to the Board on agenda items will be recognized in the first public comment period, as set forth in the Board agenda. Individuals who have signed in to speak on agenda items will be given an opportunity to address the Board prior to the Board taking any action on the listed (or added) agenda item. After recognition by the Presiding Officer, the individual shall identify himself/herself and the agenda item on which he/she wishes to speak. The presentation during the first public comment period is limited to agenda items only and will be limited to three minutes per person. The Presiding Officer reserves the right to limit the number of individuals or groups who will be recognized to speak.
Second Public Comment Period—Any Topic
Public discussion at the end of the meeting shall be open to members of the public who have indicated their desire to speak on the sign in-sheet prior to the start of the second public comment period and such comments may be on any topic. Comments during the second public comment period will be limited to two minutes. The Presiding Officer reserves the right to limit the number of individuals who will be recognized to speak.
Please note that a participant may not speak more than once in the first public comment period and no more than once in the second public comment period.
All comments during both public comment periods shall be directed to the Presiding Officer. No participant may address or question board members or staff individually.
The Presiding Officer may:
- Interrupt or terminate a participant’s statement when the Speaker's time has expired or the Speaker uses profanity or threatening language.
- Request assistance of law enforcement officers to remove a disorderly person when his/her conduct interferes with the orderly progress of the meeting.
- Call a recess or adjourn to another time when the lack of public decorum interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting.
- Waive these rules with approval of the Board.
(rev. April 2023)