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Financial Services

Graphic icons representing financial services being balanced between a business man’s two hands

We know how hard it is to stay abreast of the ever-changing city, township, county, state, and federal rules and regulations related to the financial side of providing educational services to students. Overlay that with involvement by insurance companies and each school district's own requirements, and the navigation of the financial side of supporting our students can easily become overwhelming for school district personnel. We want to help you focus on education and not finances!

Helping You Focus on Education and the Students

With our depth of knowledge and experience related to the rules, requirements, processes and best practices of financial services as they relate to educational services, we can offer your business office assistance with back-office services. Whether handling the entire process or just select parts, we help our school districts process and submit their documentation in ways that help them receive maximum compensation in as timely a manner as possible.

Where we can help includes:

Need assistance or have a question about how we might be able to help you or your organization?  Please contact us.