Regional Wide Area Network (RWAN)

The Bucks IU is the regional wide area network (RWAN) provider across the county to its members – interconnecting all of the county’s thirteen school districts, three career and technical centers (CTCs), and some non-public schools. First established in 2006, the network currently provides high-speed internet connectivity for more than 100,000 students in 136 buildings across the county.
Connectivity Plus
Our RWAN currently maintains a total of 50Gb of internet capacity to members provided by two disparate ISPs, both delivered at different locations to ensure maximum performance and availability in the event of network issues. This network is entirely fiber optic and has been designed to afford member schools the ability to quickly, and cost-effectively, increase network bandwidth as needs change. The Bucks IU RWAN leverages best-of-breed network infrastructure to provide the ISP carrier level of service and support that members expect. Bucks IU manages the purchase, configuration, installation, monitoring, and support of the network from the infrastructure’s core to the handoff at each school. Members of our RWAN network benefit from the economies of scale found in negotiating the fiber optic network itself along with the increasingly competitive internet bandwidth market between larger area ISP networks. This results in reduced costs year-to-year while providing increased bandwidth capacity to its members.
Interconnecting Statewide
The Bucks IU RWAN also integrates our county network with the Pennsylvania Association of Intermediate Units service; known as PAIUnet. This is a statewide, high-speed educational network that enables educators and students throughout Pennsylvania to create, communicate, collaborate and share valuable resources to enhance student learning. This integration of the Bucks IU RWAN with PAIUnet allows for increased connectivity between all 29 Pennsylvania IUs and their member public and non-public schools, school districts, and public library systems to provide access to content and resources that will transform the way educational services and information are delivered.