Safety and Security Services

Training Programs and Courses
We have proudly partnered with the Bucks County Office of Emergency Management and the Pennsylvania Department of Education to develop and provide a comprehensive course offering related to safety and security programs, improvements, and compliance. With these we provide you personnel training on safety and security emerging practices, compliance requirements, and guidelines. We also offer a series of Safety Official Professional Certificate Programs (PCP) to those leading, or wishing to be a part of safety and security teams. See the links below for details on the safety and security training programs and courses offered for specific groups:
Assessments; Site, Programs, Policies
Whether it be regarding the safety and security of your physical site or programs and policies, our experienced and highly knowledgeable Assessment Team can come in and review what you have against the current rules, regulations, and guidelines. Our comprehensive safety and security assessements focus on outlining any potential vulnerabilities and offer you mitigation tactics and suggestions for improvements. We can even provide you a detailed road map and plan to meet, or exceed, the related compliance standards. Let our fresh eyes and highly-trained experts do an assessment for you. Click here for more information on our Safety and Security Assessments.‘Safe2Say Something’ Emergency Tip Line Coverage
This youth violence prevention program teaches youths and adults how to recognize the warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and to “say something” BEFORE it is too late. Answering these calls, and knowing what to do with the information gathered, is critical! Our team of emergency responders can answer these important tip line calls as your primary responders or as back-up with coverage of non-business hours; nights, weekends, holidays, and summers. This support program provides highly reliable and affordable relief for your staff. Learn more at Safe2Say Emergency Tip Services.
Social Emotional Wellness and School Safety Resources
During these unprecendented and rapidly changing times, the positive social-emotional wellness of students and their sense of safety is paramount. Our professional staff of psychologists, counselors, analysts, therapists, educators, safety/security, communications, and other personnel are uniquely positioned to work together to provide specialized support and assistance related to a wide array of social-emotional wellness programs and school safety services throughout Bucks County and beyond. Review all the programs and services in our Bucks IU Social Emotional Wellness and School Safety Resource Guide.Business and Operational Services
Asbestos Notification:
Should you have questions reqarding any of our Safety and Security Services or Programs, please email or call
215-348-2940 Ext. 7101.