Bucks IU Pre-Employment Requirements

If you are offered a position with the Bucks County Intermediate Unit, please be advised that the following documents will be required before you are able to begin working.
Act 34: PA State Police Clearance
- Select “Submit a New Record Check” to submit an individual request (non-volunteer)
- Select “Employment” as the reason for request and complete the prompted fields as the requester and then to request your own clearance
- Click “Finished” once you’ve queued your 1 request
- Checkout and pay the $22.00 fee
- Your request will process immediately and display a control number for you to click on
- The record check details will provide a link to click to access the Certification Form
- Open and print the certification form with the PA State Police seal watermark
- By law, this clearance needs to be dated within five years of proposed hire date
Act 151: Child Abuse Clearance
- If you already have an account on the Child Welfare Portal, login using your keystone ID and password
- If you don’t have one, create an individual account by creating your own Keystone ID
- Check your email for the temporary password and log back into the Child Welfare Portal
- Read all information, verify the security of your account, and set your permanent password (retain your user ID and password for later)
- Log back into your account with your permanent password, read all requested information and affirm you understand the terms
- Click “Create Clearance Application” and indicate “School Employee Governed by School Code” as the purpose for the clearance
- Complete the fields as prompted (you will need your previous addresses and names and ages of all individuals you’ve previously lived with)
- The Bucks IU does not provide an organization code, so proceed to pay the $13.00 fee
- You will be directed to a submission confirmation page with your clearance ID number (retain this information), and will also receive an email confirming your submission and clearance ID number
- Within 14 days, a second email will notify you when your request has been processed, and you will then need to log back into your Child Welfare Portal account to access and print your official clearance
- By law, this clearance needs to be dated within five years of proposed hire date
Act 114: Fingerprint Background Check
- To obtain a new Fingerprint Background Check:
- Pre-enroll with IdentoGO
- Enter the service code 1KG6S7 for Bucks IU employment
- Click “Schedule or Manage Appointment”
- Follow on-screen instructions to complete required fields on each page, clicking "next" to continue to the locations screen
- Pick an Enrollment Center from list of locations and either schedule an appointment to complete registration or check the walk-in box to complete registration without scheduling an appointment. Bucks IU and Bucks County school staff can schedule an appointment at the Bucks IU Administrative Office Building by entering special access code “SP-BUCKSIU” on the location selection search screen.
- If pre-enrollment is completed successfully, you will be redirected to a Service Summary page showing your UE ID number and estimated cost (you will also receive a confirmation e-mail)
- Take required documents and payment method to your selected enrollment center for your scheduled appointment
- Return to visit the IdentoGO site to manage your appointment, obtain operating hours, and check the status of your service
- After you are printed, provide a copy of the receipt or UE ID number to the Bucks IU
- By law, this clearance needs to be dated within five years of proposed hire date
- If you have a previous Fingerprint Background Check completed under the PA Department of Education in the last five years (through IdentoGO or Cogent), you may present the UE ID number or PAE registration number to the Bucks IU to satisfy this requirement.
- If you were printed under the Department of Education, provide the PAE registration number or UE ID number
- If you were printed under the Department of Human Services, present the official clearance showing "No Record Exists"
School Personnel Health Record Form (includes physical and TB test)
- This form needs to be filled out with all appropriate signatures and dated within one year of proposed hire date
PDE Form 6004: Act 24 Arrest/Conviction Report and Certification
- This form needs to be filled out and signed (the Bucks IU retains the original of this form)
- By signing, you are stating that the information provided on this form is correct and complete
Act 168 Form: Sexual Misconduct/Abuse Disclosure Release Form required by section 111 of the School Code
- For employees, the Bucks IU uses an online system that requires you enter a contact name, email address, and employment dates in order to send the form to
- your current employer/s
- all past employers in which you had direct contact with children
- For individuals contracting with the Bucks IU, the paper form is completed and sent to current employer/s and all past employers in which there was direct contact with children
If you have any questions, please contact the HR Office at Careers@bucksiu.org
PLEASE NOTE: All the information provided here is based on details from the sources and is subject to change without notice. By listing it here we offer no guarantee to the information completeness or accuracy. Please visit each individual source to ensure you are seeing their most up-to-date and accurate information.