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Please click the appropriate box below to discover the IU's exciting job opportunities (or click here for a complete listing of all job openings).
Are you interested in a career that initiates, designs, and delivers excellent leadership, teaching, and learning? We are committed to providing our employees a stable work environment built on an equal opportunity for learning and personal growth, and where creativity and innovation are encouraged and nurtured. With over 1200 employees working all across Bucks County, PA, we take great pride in ensuring that everyone is treated with the same degree of concern, respect, and caring attitude that they are expected to share externally in performing their jobs.
Whether you are looking for a management position, teaching, working in facilities, are a therapist, or would like an administrative role, we have a wide variety of exciting opportunities from which to select.
Watch these videos to see how our own staff speak about why they love working for the Bucks IU or about being a Teacher Assistant in our Early Childhood Programs: