Preschool Early Intervention

Maximizing Growth and Development
Our Bucks IU Preschool Early Intervention Program provides services to infants and toddlers with disabilities or developmental delays. The sooner intervention services are able to be initiated, the greater the opportunity a child has for maximum growth and developmental gains prior to beginning elementary school. Early intervention services may close the achievement gap for children with disabilities and delayed development.
Services Provided
Through the Preschool (ages 3-5) Early Intervention Program, eligible children may receive services to support growth in the areas of:
- Speech/Language
- Hearing
- Vision
- Physical or Occupational Skills
- Instructional Support
Preschool (ages 3-5) Early Intervention Screening Request Form
A key to intervention services is family involvement. Parent education, support services, developmental therapies, and other family-centered services that assist in child development may be included in the child’s early intervention program.
Program Eligibility
The Bucks County Intermediate Unit (Bucks IU) accepts referrals from families throughout the year, resulting in thousands of students being screened annually. Children ranging in age from infants to age five can be evaluated by our highly skilled staff utilizing a wide variety of assessment tools to determine if the child qualifies for special education programming and related services. Early intervention services are provided at no cost to families.
For children ages birth to 3: Please click here for information on the county's base service units and to contact them for evaluation services.
For children ages 3 to 5 (preschool): Please click here to go to the Preschool Early Intervention Screening Form to evaluation services.
Where are Services Provided?
Services may be provided in the child’s home, child care center, preschool, play group, Pre-K Counts classroom, Head Start program, early childhood special education classroom, or other settings familiar to the family. The flexibility and diversity of these service locations allows the needs of children
and their families to be met in the least restrictive setting.
Networking and Resources for Both Families and Professionals
Learn more, or become involved with, the Local Interagency Coordinating Council (LICC) for Bucks County by clicking here.SERVICES AND PROGRAMS
Early Childhood Programs
We provide services to over 2,800 students across the county in more than 500 settings. For information regarding a screening, or for more details on our Preschool Early Intervention Program – please contact us.