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Transition Services and Programs

Special needs child gardening while outdoors

Our Transition Programs have been specially developed to help prepare students with special needs for life after graduation from high school (post-secondary). The Bucks IU offers two types of programs: Post-Secondary (full-time for students ages 18-21) and Transition Programs (part-time for students ages 16-21).  Eligibility for these programs is based on their Individualized Education Program (IEP), with enrollment available exclusively through the student’s home school district (via referral).  

Post-Secondary (full-time program)


This full-time program for students ages 18-21 is based on incorporating threeLearning to food shop specific areas of support and training, all in unique ways and varying levels of complexity, in pursuit of each student’s successful growth and development. The programs are operated out of classrooms located county-wide. Advances are achieved using community-based instruction, various volunteer opportunities, and supervised work experiences as determined by the student’s IEP.


  • Post-Secondary Education and Training Programs for the research of postsecondary educational careers including the collection of info on which academic institutions offer this area of study and requirements for acceptance, as well as vocational training programs.
  • Employment: Following instructions, working with co-workers, social interactions, dressing appropriately, job development
  • Independent Living skills including activities such as doing laundry, grocery shopping, cooking and kitchen safety, using public transportation, and money management

Travel Training can be added to a student’s curriculum should it be specifically requested through the student’s IEP. 

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Transition (part-time program)

Vocational training at a coffee shop

Throughout the year, school districts can submit referrals to our Bucks IU Comprehensive vocational assessment and profile to identify career options based on the students interests, skills and work history programs to get students supervised work experiences, job development, and independent placements for students attending their own district programs.  Services are provided in a variety of community settings for the purposes of supporting participants as they pursue opportunities that would lead to competitive integrated employment (full or part-time work at minimum wage or higher, with wages and benefits similar to workers without disabilities performing the same work, and fully integrated with coworkers without disabilities).  Each participant receives:

  • Supervised work site where they will learn and practice with the support of a job coach
    Job development including employer outreach, job searching, job development, resume preparation, and interview assistance
  • Independent job placement to individualizing the employment relationship between employee and employer to match the needs of both
  • Travel Training and assessment in support of independence and safety

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Specialty Programs and Events

Dancing character juggling with the words Project SEARCH

Project SEARCH of Bucks County is a nine-month internship program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. As one of over 750 Project Search programs worldwide, it targets individuals who have a goal of achieving competitive employment. The program takes place at the County of Bucks Administrative Offices and Justice Center, acting as the Host Business, where total immersion in the workplace facilitates the teaching and learning process as well as the acquisition of employability and marketable work skills. Interns participate in three internships to explore a variety of career paths and work with their team to refine their employment goal and obtain feedback relative to their performance on the job. Their team includes their family, an instructor and jobs skill trainer both from the Bucks County Intermediate Unit, and personnel from the Bucks County Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Programs, County of Bucks Administrative Offices and Justice Center, and Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation.  Watch the video below for a great overview of the program!



Secondary Transition Option and Resource Fair (STORF)

This annual transition fair connects students, families, and educators with resources to that can assist them in navigating their transition process from school student to adulthood.  The resources available are categorized as listed here:

  • Post-Secondary Education and Training
  • Employment
  • Community Resources
  • Legal, Financial and Life Planning
  • General Resources
EmployAbility Expo

Our annual EmployAbility Expo draws over 100 Bucks County high school students with disabilities and provides them an opportunity to practice and develop the confidence, skills, and strategies they will need to obtain and retain employment in today’s economy.  Details on the next Expo will be posted here where available.  

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