Contact Us
Bucks County Intermediate Unit Locations
Found Items
Did you find a piece of Bucks IU technology equipment, a badge, or other item from our organization? Please complete this form to help us reconnect this item with it's owner. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
If you have questions about our services, or, if you would like to schedule a time to discuss how we can help with your needs, please fill out this form.
For inquiries regarding potential employment, please visit the careers section of this site by clicking here. If you need to contact Human Resources, please email them at HR@BucksIU.org.
Solicitations, or submissions of information about your business or program, are prohibited and will not be responded to. Authorization to add emails found on this web site to any mailing lists is strictly prohibited. Phishing and fraudulent claims will be reported to the FTC.
Other general inquiries, that can't be submitted on the form above, may be emailed to us at Info@BucksIU.org (no soliciations or business program offers/info allowed, phishing or fraudlent claims will be reported). Thank you.