ECYEH - Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
PA Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Program: Region 8 serves Bucks, Delaware, Lehigh, and Northampton counties and is administered by the Bucks County Intermediate Unit.
Educational Stability is at the heart of McKinney-Vento. Students who become homeless or housing unstable, are entitled to:
- Attend school of origin or school of residence with no disruption
- Register for school regardless of proof of residency, academic or health records
- Transportation to and from school of origin or residence
We provide training on the following topics:
- McKinney-Vento 101 – Looking for a basic overview of the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act? This training is for you. Participants will gain an understanding of the challenges faced by students experiencing homelessness, including the specific challenges faced by unaccompanied youth. Characteristics of homelessness and identification strategies will be explored. An online poverty simulation can be added to this training.
- Foster Care – This training will provide a basic overview of school district responsibilities for foster care youth, under the 2015 Every Student Succeeds Act. Collaboration strategies and best practices in working with foster care youth will be explored.
- Transporting Students Experiencing Homelessness – This training will focus specifically on school district transportation requirements for students experiencing homelessness, as required by the McKinney-Vento Act. Best practices and creative transportation solutions will be explored.
- Homelessness in Early Childhood – Learn about the unique challenges faced by children experiencing homelessness in early childhood and their rights under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. This training will focus on preschool, early intervention and Head Start program.Each school district has a Homeless Liaison who is responsible for explaining your rights to you, and assisting you in getting the support services needed.
Educators/Admins Service and Programs
For assistance, please contact:
Michelle Connor, Regional Coordinator, ECYEH Programs
215-348-2940, Ext. 1361
Michelle Connor, Regional Coordinator, ECYEH Programs
215-348-2940, Ext. 1361