Educational Stability for Foster Care Youth

PA Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Program: Region 8 serves Bucks, Delaware, Lehigh, and Northampton counties and is administered by the Bucks County Intermediate Unit.
What We Do
- Ensure foster care children enroll, participate, and have the opportunity to succeed in school
- Serve as a resource for the school district designated contact (foster care liaison) and the County Children and Youth point of contact
- Encourage a cooperative and collaborative process for all parties involved and act as an intermediary for County Children and Youth and the school districts
- Advocate when in the youth’s best interest as determined by the BID process, for immediate enrollment in the receiving school to avoid gaps in education
- Provide professional development and technical assistance to our district foster care liaisons
- Host meetings for our 5 counties on topics related to foster care
For additional information on this initiative, please visit Click on the following link to find your: Local Education Agency (LEA) School Point of Contact
Additional reference resources are:
Educators/Admins Service and Programs
For assistance, please contact:
Kathy Birsa, Coordinator ECYEH Program
215-348-2940 Ext. 1360