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STEAM Energizers

Fab Lab logo along with name of STEAM Energizers and info on that these are based on Scholastic's Learning at Home resources.

Bringing the FAB LAB to Your House

Get the fun of STEAM learning from our amazing Fab Lab even when you're at home!  Our STEAM Energizers are designed to provide fun, educational activities - examine and investigate them all!  Remember that each offers a 'no tech' and a 'low tech' option so you can choose the one you can best support and enjoy.   

Watch for more STEAM activities and events from the Bucks IU Mobile Fab Lab.  Follow us on Twitter: @BucksIUSTEAM and on Twitter and Facebook: @BucksIU22. 

Have fun while learning - and get STEAM Energized!


STEAM Energizers are based off Scholastic’s Learning at Home resources, a free online resource for families.

Flux STEAM Challeges

We are very excited to be partnering with Flux on some of these STEAM challenges!  There is a series with them all focused on creating, tinkering, and making for students of all ages. The challenges are dated and have submission timeline so don't wait to check them out before they close! 

Got to Flux STEAM Challenges for more details and information on how you can get started.  

Flux Online STEAM Challenges logo