Birthday Parties

Now offering FABulous birthday celebrations at the Fab Lab Center! Your child can enjoy a party with their friends based on a theme they select, for an interactive, fun party in honor of their special day.
All Fab Lab Center Parties Include...
- Space for up to 15 children for 2 hours of Fab Lab Fun led by our Party Coordinator (additional children, up to a total of 30, at an added cost).
- All materials and use of the Fab Lab equipment related to the selected party theme.
- Each party attendee gets a FABulous Favor Bag, water, and 2 slices of pizza.*
- Birthday child also gets a Fab Lab t-shirt!
Basic Party Themes
LEGO Engineering, Battle Bots, Robot Challenges, or Minecraft - Party prices start at: $475
Premium Party Themes
Video Game Creation with Boxels, Introduction to Augmented Reality with Merge Cubes, or 3D Design and Printing - Party prices start at: $599
Email to Schedule Your Party Today!
* Parents are welcome to bring a birthday dessert and/or additional beverages, party decorations, and favors. The Fab Lab Center will have plates, forks, and napkins.