Field Trips
New for 2025: Career Awareness Field Trips!
The Bucks IU's Fab Lab Center offers students an exciting way to explore future careers through
immersive Career Awareness Field Trips. Using Oculus VR headsets and the innovative Certify-ED
curriculum, students can engage in realistic career simulations that bring a variety of professions to
life. These field trips allow students to step into diverse career environments where they can actively
practice skills and experience a day-in-the-life perspective of each career path.
Thanks to a Manufacturing PA grant from the PA Department of Community and Economic
Development, we’re excited to offer middle schools access to this unique career exploration experience, where students can develop skills, expand their career awareness, and gain valuable insights for future
success at no cost. Schools are responsible for transportation to and from the Fab Lab Center and
students need to bring a packed lunch.
For schools that travel to the Fab Lab is a barrier, the Fab Lab also offers 'Reverse Field Trips!' Our team can bring Oculus headsets and other equipment right to your school!
Contact us for scheduling and additional information at FabLab@BucksIU.org!
General Field Trips